My wife died last year. How long should I wait until I remarry?
This is a great question. I asked it when I was in that situation, and I have discussed this with many other widow(er)s since then. That said, I might suggest that it's not quite the right question to ask. In truth, there is no prescribed time period before we're ready to marry again.
So to help any widow(er) determine their own readiness for remarriage, I recommend asking questions like these (in no particular order):
* Am I remarrying just to gain a housekeeper or a nanny?
* When I look at this person, am I loving her for who she is, or am I comparing her to my wife who died?
* Are my children ready to embrace a new parent?
* Am I looking for someone to provide a sense of financial security?
* Am I looking for a wife to meet certain needs, provide some level of stability, or otherwise meet a need that God alone should meet?
* Am I looking for someone to help meet my physical desires only?
* Why do I love this person? Are those reasons related to the unique person he/she is?
* What has been my grief process? Did I start grieving before my spouse died (e.g., he was sick for a long time so I began grieving even before the disease took his life)? Or did I start grieving all at once due to a catastrophic circumstance (e.g., some kind of accident)?
* What do other wise people suggest for me about this potential relationship?
* Is this other person entering into the relationship with their eyes open to the joys and the challenges of blending a family?
* If this person says "no," how will I react?
* What are my fears about starting a new marriage?
* What are my fears about remaining single for a while longer?
* Am I spending my thoughts more on my first spouse or on this new person?
Just as we want to marry for the right reasons, we also want to remarry for the right reasons. I hope these questions might help you discern whether you are ready to consider remarriage.
I welcome any comments you may have. Please share your thoughts below.